Monday, August 24, 2009

Miss P is one!

Sigh, one of my favorite babies just turned one :( I am particularly attached to her b/c she is adorable first of all and I have gotten to see her for 6 sessions over the last year. So, I adore her. Don't be too sad though as mom and I are working out a second year package for her, so I will still get to see her often! Mom is totally my kind of client b/c she lets me do all kinds of cool stuff for her like birthday invitations, thank you notes, etc. Even better she just lets me design whatever I want, so I get to have lots of creative fun. So, here is the very chunky, super cutey patootie P...

Love her in my pink cowboy hat even if she didn't really want to wear it

She looked so adorable in her tutu, but she thought it was too itchy :)

She had a good time with the cake!

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