Friday, August 28, 2009

Meet Baby "R"...

I got to meet baby "R" a few days ago. She is the new arrival of the couple featured in my previous blog post about a "rad couple". Her sex was a surprise, so I was excited to hear a sweet, healthy baby girl arrived. I always find it amazing that even at only a few days old, these kiddos know what they like and don't like. She gave me a very short period in the diaper cover only and then could not be persuaded after this point. She wanted to be swaddled and there were no other options :) Even laying in front of my toasty heater, she was not having it. So, she gave me a good challenge trying to figure out new and interesting ways to photograph a swaddled baby. She has this very serious brow. I can't wait to see her again in 3 months when she will be smiling at me! She is such a sweet little girl and Mom was cool as a cucumber through the whole process. It always amazes me that somehow Mom's just know how to take care of these little babes and all the little secrets to make them content. So, without further delay here is baby "R".

Pretty in pink

I am a sucker for these simple black and white images...

I like the mix of patterns here


  1. OMG !! From a totally biased Aunt from Dallas, Baby R has to be the cutest 1 week old baby in the whole wide world !! Her Aunt's are coming in 9 days to kiss & squoosh that precious little face ! Can't wait to see her. These pictures are beautiful & she is a true blessing for our whole family !! xoxoxoxo

  2. Ditto, from her totally biased Aunt from Austin. I think these pictures need to be submitted to an ad agency!! She is definitely "model" material. I can't wait to see her! We have waited so long for another baby in our family!!

  3. I would consider myself a somewhat unbiased source and I can tell you from first hand experience, she is one adorable baby! Mom and Dad did a pretty good job with this one :)
