Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A little fun downtown...

I have been dying to do an urban session every since my workshop a few months back. So, when one of my most favorite models was coming to see me all the way from Texas I told mom we are going urban. Thankfully she agreed. So we got out early Sunday morning and had fun exploring downtown Nashville. Little H is almost 4 now and continues to amaze me with her natural talent for modeling. She is so fun and cooperative and is a total ham in front of the cam. I totally adore her!!!!! I may end up posting more later in the week, but for now only four. So if anyone wants to go urban for your sessions I would be soooooo excited! More sneak peeks this weekend after my 2 sessions on Saturday.

Love this awesome blue wall and how she is grabbing her piggy

Oh how I am totally obsessed with this wall and of course the fun she is having with me

I asked her to stand on the bench and this is the pose she gave me, is she awesome or what???

A little Mommy and daughter love...

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