Friday, February 22, 2013

This blog is closing

Hi all,
I have decided to officially close this blog. I have been VERY delinquent posting this last year or more (I see I had 4 posts in 2012!), so decided to just lay it to rest. It just takes a lot of time to write posts and format all the images to post, time I just don't have. With my busy shooting schedule, my house life, and tending to my three kiddos, the extra 30 minutes per post is just time I don't have. I do post all my sessions to facebook as well as news and such and I do have a news section on my website for those of you who don't facebook. Plus, my website galleries have a large sampling of my work and I am constantly adding new favorites. So, there are plenty of places to follow my work and see what is up. Feel free to browse back through the archives on this blog and hop on over to my website or facebook page for more images and information.  I am launching a new website as I type this. I am really excited about it as it will be much more user friendly with tablet and mobile versions as well as the standard desktop version. I am also launching the official velvet studio website concurrently (my boudoir site), so this is big news. Thanks for visiting!!!