Thursday, December 23, 2010

"J" turns 6 months

So, baby "J" came to visit me yesterday as well. He is a big 6 months now!! It really seems like last week we were doing his newborn session. Mom said he can be a little shy around strangers but he did great with me. He is probably the best 6 month sitter I have had, all by himself and straight up too! He has the sweetest Momma and Daddy and they just adore him to pieces. Such a wonderful family all around. He was a trooper and was on board for everything except the naked booty pics, but I managed to get a cute one between fusses :)

Santa baby!!

Snuggly in Christmas jammies

Totally posing for me...

Mommy kisses are the best!

"P" is getting a baby brother!!!

Miss "P" is my most photographed kiddo hands down, so I am super excited she is getting a new baby brother soon since I know I will see him just as much. This also assures I get to keep seeing "P" every 3 months as well, so I am a happy clam. She has ALWAYS had so much personality, even as a tiny baby, so now that she is 2 and talking up a storm, she is hilarious. Mom is looking good with only a month or so to go. Baby "R" will be my first newborn of 2011!!! On with the pics...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ack, getting behind on posting again...

I have missed a few posts on the blog but they are on facebook, so as my usual posts go, jump on over to my facebook page and check them out. I will attach a couple from my session yesterday. A and M came to visit me for a little mini session. Did you know I offer mini sessions now???? These are only $60 vs the standard $115 session fee and are a 20 minute session at my home studio or an outdoor location in the Mount Juliet area. A great way to update family pics, 1/2 birthdays, etc. Big sister was so much fun and so full of personality. I loved her! Little sis was just sweet and very cooperative, oh and did I mention just beautiful!!! I had such a fun time with them... There are a few more on facebook I didn't post here and also a post with a super cutey rolly polly baby :) I have a belly session on Monday and then I am off for a few weeks for Christmas, so things will be quiet. I will be back mid January with some fun things going on!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Calling all you hot mamas out there!

Hi all,
Soooo I know at this time in the year we are all go, go, going with Thanksgiving and Christmas fast approaching. Lots of time cooking, buying gifts, and catering to our families. So, I KNOW Valentine's day is nowhere on your radar BUT I am working on something and need to start planning now. I am wanting to host a "Boudoir" mini session event just for all you Mama's out there. Now, I know what you are thinking, ummm, boudoir, no thanks BUT just hear me out. By boudoir I am not necessarily talking lingerie and certainly NOT nudity but I am talking about a session JUST for you! I know most all of you have probably not had pictures focused on just you since, well, your high school senior pictures which for me would have been about 17 years ago, gah! I want Mom's to have a chance to be pampered a little, get dressed up in whatever you feel comfortable in and have some beautiful portraits made. No chasing kids and being stressed. I plan on getting a very nice hotel suite to host in and having people there to do hair and make up as well. So, if you feel pretty in jeans and a t-shirt, fine do it. If you want to be a little bit or a lot sexy, great, let's do it. How about your husband's work shirt or his favorite sports jersey?? You can do sexy without being revealing. If you are like me I am sure you have your insecurities about your weight, or your post baby bodies, but trust me, I can make you look beautiful and believe me it is all about posing and camera angle. I will remind you that you are a beautiful woman! I had my hair and make up done and then portraits when I was 8 months pregnant with my second child. For the first time in a LONG time, I felt really pretty and liked the way I looked, even at 8 months pregnant. We will focus on your best assets and you will come away with portraits you love that will be awesome both for you and to give your hubbies for Valentines day. It will be a chance to take down our ponytails and put on some make up more than just a little powder and lipstick and show ourselves that we still have "it". Even if "it" is not the same as it was in our early 20's:) I have no details worked out yet, I am just putting out feelers to see if anyone is interested in this since I will need a minimum number of participants to cover the cost of the suite and to get the hair and make up ladies in line. I do know it will be held mid January sometime so there is time to proof and get orders in before Valentines day. So, geez, that would be about 5-6 weeks from now! So, please send me an email if you might be interested in participating and if there is enough response, I will get it in the works. We ALL deserve a chance to feel pretty and good about ourselves as we are now. Our husbands love us and think we are gorgeous, so lets have a little fun and make this Valentines exciting!!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sweet baby "A" turns one

I met up with Miss "A" this evening for the final session of her "grow with me" plan. Sigh, another baby graduating, where do the months go! She is a sweet and tiny little angel, reminds of a little pixie. She is just so cute and delicate. She holds a sweet spot b/c she is one of only a handful of brown haired, brown eyed beauties I work with. I love my blondies, don't get me wrong, but I am a sucker for big brown eyes. She did a great job and never even had a melt down which is no small feat for a 12 month old session. One thing I am learning as time goes by is that 12 month olds hate pettiskirts. I don't think girls really appreciate how fun they are until they get to be about 2 or 3. At this age they are just an annoyance :) So here is this sweet little girl in all her ridiculous cuteness!!

This was "A" the first time we met in January- she was 3 months here

Look at her now!

I would have this big in my house if it were me!

Pretty eyes


Another "M" family

I had the priviledge of meeting up with the "M" Saturday evening for some family pictures. Mom has been wanting to have me do this for a long time, so I was soooo happy to finally get to work with her family. I scoped out an amazing spot right near their home, so that was exciting. I love the spot so much they may be seeing me around the neighborhood from time to time with other clients :) They are a family of three boys under 6, so you know this Mom is one tough cookie. I will call them the three D's, D1 being the oldest and D3 the youngest. When I arrived D2 and D3 were napping which is both good and bad. Good they were resting but bad when you have to wake them to go and take pictures. D1 was the star of the show and was very into having his picture taken, so that is always fun for me. D2 was a little more serious but I was groovin' to his cool dude vibe. D3 is fast! I couldn't keep up with the little guy. He has the most beautiful eyes and precious curls. We got some wonderful shots and we had a lot of fun. I am only posting a few here, so visit my facebook page for a few extras.

D1- camera lover

D3- fastest baby on earth

D2- see what I mean, cool!

The whole precious family. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this shot!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

The "M" family

Just wanted to post a REALLY quick sneak peek. I am only posting one pic here but there are 4 more on facebook, so if you want more, go on! These were the winners from the MJCA Extravaganza Silent Auction. Sister "S" is just beyond beautiful and very sweet and little brother "S" is all boy. He had quite a good rock collection going during our session :) He even got to take one home! I was only supposed to shoot for 20 minutes since this was technically a mini session, but as I am prone to do with cooperative, beautiful children, I overshot and we ended up going about twice as long ;) I am not disappointed though b/c everything turned out great. I was very happy to get to use my favorite field again, as I usually am not shooting out there this late in the year. It was so warm and nice though, it was perfect.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

That's me behind the computer...

Yes I am here, just crazy busy. So busy I have shot 8 sessions since I last posted to the blog. There are sneak peeks up on my facebook page, so hop on over there and check them out. Blogger takes forever to upload images and then I have to resize them to make them bigger, so every post takes at least 30 minutes and at this time of the year I don't have an 30 extra minutes :) Perhaps when I am bored in January I will come back and archive all the sessions that haven't been blogged yet. Facebook is the "in" thing anyways, so I guess I shouldn't worry :) Now go, click on the link to the right to get to my facebook page...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fantastic family fun

I met up with the "G" family last night for a fall family session. Mom had requested she wanted to have some fall color in her photos, so I set out to find the perfect spot. After 2.5 hours of traveling the roads of Mount Juliet I found it. I hadn't realized quite how perfect it was until we got out there and started shooting. There were three very different but all equally beautiful spots all in this one little corner of the world. It was like the perfect trifecta of spots all sitting right next to each other. Sadly though it is in an area that will be developed in the next few years, so it won't last forever. Until then, I can see myself spending a lot of time there :) I already have plans of taking my daughter out for some pettiskirt, backlit action in the field. Okay, enough about the spot and onto the family! Little Miss "G" is just about to be 2 years old. She hung in there and made it through the shoot and gave me a ton of great shots, too many in fact ;) Hopefully Mom is a good decision maker because it is going to be a tough one! Through a few tears and lots of sweet talk, toys and snacks we made it through almost an hour and a half, which is a long time in a 2 year olds world. Here are the sneak peeks with a little glimpse of all three fabulous spots! I am pretty sure this is where I will be holding my Christmas mini sessions for those of you attending. I will get you the details soon!

Sitting pretty

Tickles are always good for a smile

I am completely in love with this one

What kid doesn't like to get to stand in a chair??

It is like a pink party

Here is the field with this beautiful light

I love these colors against the yellow and orange trees

A little daddy action and how pretty is that sun??

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall fun, fun new location

So, I have been dying to try out some new locations and finally got the chance to on Friday. I am super thrilled about the results and only wish it was closer. I guess a 45 minute drive is worth it to get shots like these, and I hope more families will want to make the trek down to this spot. Not feeling wordy this morning so I will just get on with this very large sneak peek. I actually posted even more on my facebook page, so if you are just so taken with these you want more, hop on over there. I am winding down for the season. I have 2 or 3 more regular sessions and then Christmas minis November 6th (3 spots still open). Then I will have a little break over Christmas to just enjoy my baby and family. Then maybe I can get caught up on editing pics of my own kids. I have 2 different sessions with my baby and one with the bigger kids that hasn't even made it off the memory card yet. At least they are taken, so I can feel good about that :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Christmas Card Mini Sessions

Christmas Card Mini Sessions are just around the corner. I only have 3 spaces still open, so if you want in please let me know ASAP!

What: 15 minute mini sessions focused on getting Christmas card photos. You will be presented with 5-10 images in an online gallery to choose from within 10 days of the session.
When:November 6th and possibly another date if the 6th fills, late afternoon/early evening- time to be determined closer to the date.
Where: An outdoor location in the Mount Juliet Area- to be determined later. I will have a gorgeous ottoman and some simple decorations (removable if you don't want them) for a clean, modern alternative to posing in front of a Christmas tree, etc. Also I will just have nature available if you want a simple outdoorsy feel.
Cost: $50.00 with one 8x10 included ($25 value)- minimum $50 print/card purchase per session. The session will need to be paid for within 30 days of the scheduled date to hold your place- pay pal or checks accepted
Who: Open to anyone, "grow with me" babies are welcome- only 8 families will be scheduled. You don't have to have children to participate and pending the location pets may or may not be allowed...
The cards: I am offering 2 sided, full color press printed cards printed on watercolor paper. These will be stylish 5x5 square cards. These are all my original designs, exclusively for my clients. My catalog currently has over 60 designs to choose from and I am still adding more. These cards are gorgeous! See a few samples below. I will also bring samples to the event. They will include one or more pictures on the front and back (pending design) and the greetings will be customizable. Envelopes are included and they come in packs of 24. One set of 24 will cost $55.00, 2 sets or 48 cards will be $70 (special sale pricing on 2 packs). NOTE: the special pricing on 2 packs will expire Nov 24 at which time the cost will be $55 for the first set and $50 for each additional set. Contact me for pricing on additional sets over 2. I will send you the username and password to the Christmas Card gallery once the session fee is paid.
Other card options: If you prefer to print your own cards, you may purchase up to 2 digital files with full reprint rights for $50 each. Resolution will be lowered to prevent printing over a 5x7 size. I am also offering a large quantity 4x6 discount for those of you who like to make your cards or just include a photo in your cards. These will be printed on professional grade photo paper and come in a lustre finish. A set of 25 (all same image) will be $60 or a set of 50 will be $110 ( a custom quote can be prepared if you need a different quantity). 4x6 prints are regularly priced at $15.00 each, so this is a substantial savings.
The Packages: I will have some gift print only packages as well as some card and gift print package combos available. Gift print packages start at $155 and include 12 various sized prints. Gift print and card packages start at $225 and include 48 cards and 8 gift prints. My full collection of mounting options will be available for a la carte purchasing at regular pricing (see the "print option" gallery on my website for pictures of my products).
I will accept families up until October 25th and the session will be closed after this time. No "walk in" sessions allowed. So if you are interested please send me an email at or you can contact me through my website. Several slots are already filled, so don't miss your chance to have some gorgeous cards this year.

Front design #41

Back design #41

Front design #39

Back design #39

Front Design #46

Back Design #46

Front Design #59

Back Design #59

Front Design #65

Back Design #65

I wish I could photograph products as well as I do people, b/c these pics don't do these cards justice:) These are just a few of the over 65 designs I have available

Here is the link to some of the pics from the minis last year (copy and paste). Also if you go to the blog archive to the right and go back to October 2009 you can see the pics from several other of the minis from last year. These are all of the kids mostly, but parents are encouraged to participate :)