Saturday, July 23, 2011

R turns 6 months

"R" was back for his 6 month session. I didn't blog his 3 month session but you can find it on my facebook page. He is a super chunky monkey and just a gorgeous baby. His eyes are amazing just like his big sister. He was in a great mood and didn't cry one bit during our session. Our biggest challenge was his rolling. So Mom got her work out putting him back in place again and again. I can't wait to see him again in 3 months!
Scheduling updates: August through October are full but I will take people on a wait list in the event of cancellations. November Christmas minis will be my first available regular bookings. Pending how on top of things I can stay I MIGHT open up a few mini sessions for the fall, so please contact me ASAP if you would be interested in this.

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