Monday, September 13, 2010

"T" turns one

Another baby plan comes to a close. You have been seeing Miss "T"'s face every 3 months, so I am sure you recognize her by now. The best thing about last August and September is I had a huge rush of newborns and now sadly they are all turning 1. This is great of course, but I just enjoy seeing them regularly and watching all the new things they do each session. I am sure you have noticed the abundance or 1 year old shoots here lately, so lots of bitter sweet sessions for me. "T" has a special spot of being only 1 of 2 babies (that I can recall) that didn't cry a single tear during their 12 month shoot. 12 monthers are a notoriously tricky age b/c if they are happy we are great but if they are not there is often not much you can do to turn it around. She was very smiley and fun and gave me lots of great images. She is also the best cake smasher in town! No hesitation on her part. I am not sure if I will have any more sessions in the field this year, I sure hope so b/c I am not ready to say goodbye yet! I LOVE it sooooooo much. Thankfully I have used it a ton this year but thinking of it turning all brown makes me sad. Anywho, onto the sneak peeks...

I am one!

Pretty smile and she is trying out my new (old) chair I picked up at a yard sale

You know I love feet!

Drumming on the presents was funny

Look at her go

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