Tuesday, September 7, 2010

R turns one, happy and sad...

Another "grow with me" baby is graduating their plan year. I am soooo happy to have gotten to see her every 3 months the last year but selfishly sad I don't get to keep seeing her every 3 months too! 12 month olds are always a funny age. The faces and silly poses they make always keep me laughing. I felt extra special because "R" stood up unassisted for the first time from sitting to standing while I was shooting and I got to capture it! How cool is that??? She was so funny because she did not want to get dirty from the cake at all. So our cake smash ended up being a light tasting. The cake was in such good shape I think Mom and Dad got to take it home and eat it :) So, here is the amazingly beautiful R in all her chubby cuteness...Don't be shy to leave a comment for her Mom and Dad!

"Hey you, did you just see me stand up all by myself?"


Has there ever been a cuter thigh?

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