Saturday, February 20, 2010

Scheduling updates...

Ahhhh, I feel like time is just flying by! I have 7 weeks until my due date. It is getting a little rough crawling around on the floor now working but it is good for me. Most of my sessions coming up are my 6 month baby group, so they shouldn't be moving too fast yet! I do have one 12 monther and an 18 monther, so they may give me more of a run for my money. I wanted to put out my scheduling updates as this is the time of year business picks back up.
February- full
April- will be busy having a baby so I am off
May- supposed to be "off" but ended up with 4 sessions :) So full!
June-3 sessions open
July-3 sessions open
August-1 session open
September-2 sessions open

PLEASE SCHEDULE EARLY if you know you want to come see me. I really dislike turning people away so plan ahead! Thankfully my 1st year baby plans are my most popular package, so I get to watch lots of babies grow up which is the best job perk. However, they do take up most of my schedule as well, so I have very few slots open a lot of months for anyone other than my planners. This is also a good reason to get on a plan b/c I always have spaces reserved for you since I know when you are due for sessions the whole year. Otherwise it ends up being first come first serve. I do have an awesome photographer in the area I can refer you to if I can't get you in, so just give me a call or email me for her info! I won't be able to host my Easter minis this year since it is so close to my due date :( I was thinking of doing some Halloween/fall minis and then of course my popular Christmas minis. So, there will be a few opportunities for those of you who prefer the minis over full sessions. I have 2 sessions today and one Tuesday so check back for sneak peeks in the next few days!

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