Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Longing for the warm weather...

So, after having more snow this week I am really longing to see green again. Back in August I got to do a super fun urban shoot with one of my top models "H". "H" is the daughter of my very best friend and she is a total natural, so nice to do something for my girl and get some great stuff too. If you have visited my site you will see her often. We get together at least once a year for our annual shoot, it would be more if she didn't live in Texas. Anyways, I am embarrased and proud to say we had so many great shots from this summer I am still working on edits. In my defense, she came to visit about the time my schedule got out of control so I was struggling to keep up. Good for me but bad for her it didn't let up until December. Mom did however get to go through the proofs and pick out all the ones she wanted to order AND got an awesome gallery wrap as a birthday gift, so she can't complain :) I am however just picking through a few stragglers and wanted to post some more pics from the session even though it was 6 months ago. The green grass and summery dress make me long to feel the sun on my skin (with sunscreen of course) and to get back outdoors to work. I also want to showcase how much fun an urban shoot can be. I find almost all my clients like to do the nature thing, which I totally love, BUT urban is super fun too! It is a fun, modern alternative. Anyways, I was supposed to have Miss "P" come over for her 18month shoot tomorrow but we had to reschedule. So, Saturday I will be working with 6 month old "R" and hopefully the "M" family if the weather holds out, so I can get you some current stuff to look at. Enjoy a little trip back to summer '09!

This pic just makes me smile...

Love the perspective and the sweet little smile on her face

My girls... love "H's" sassy little stance and face

Just sweet...

This wall is amazing!

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