Monday, October 18, 2010

Fantastic family fun

I met up with the "G" family last night for a fall family session. Mom had requested she wanted to have some fall color in her photos, so I set out to find the perfect spot. After 2.5 hours of traveling the roads of Mount Juliet I found it. I hadn't realized quite how perfect it was until we got out there and started shooting. There were three very different but all equally beautiful spots all in this one little corner of the world. It was like the perfect trifecta of spots all sitting right next to each other. Sadly though it is in an area that will be developed in the next few years, so it won't last forever. Until then, I can see myself spending a lot of time there :) I already have plans of taking my daughter out for some pettiskirt, backlit action in the field. Okay, enough about the spot and onto the family! Little Miss "G" is just about to be 2 years old. She hung in there and made it through the shoot and gave me a ton of great shots, too many in fact ;) Hopefully Mom is a good decision maker because it is going to be a tough one! Through a few tears and lots of sweet talk, toys and snacks we made it through almost an hour and a half, which is a long time in a 2 year olds world. Here are the sneak peeks with a little glimpse of all three fabulous spots! I am pretty sure this is where I will be holding my Christmas mini sessions for those of you attending. I will get you the details soon!

Sitting pretty

Tickles are always good for a smile

I am completely in love with this one

What kid doesn't like to get to stand in a chair??

It is like a pink party

Here is the field with this beautiful light

I love these colors against the yellow and orange trees

A little daddy action and how pretty is that sun??

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