Friday, November 19, 2010

The "M" family

Just wanted to post a REALLY quick sneak peek. I am only posting one pic here but there are 4 more on facebook, so if you want more, go on! These were the winners from the MJCA Extravaganza Silent Auction. Sister "S" is just beyond beautiful and very sweet and little brother "S" is all boy. He had quite a good rock collection going during our session :) He even got to take one home! I was only supposed to shoot for 20 minutes since this was technically a mini session, but as I am prone to do with cooperative, beautiful children, I overshot and we ended up going about twice as long ;) I am not disappointed though b/c everything turned out great. I was very happy to get to use my favorite field again, as I usually am not shooting out there this late in the year. It was so warm and nice though, it was perfect.

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