Monday, December 28, 2009

Reworking the website...

So, I finally had some extra time to re-do my website galleries. I have broken it up into categories (i.e. maternity, newborn, babies, etc.) vs having it in color vs b/w galleries. I am still doing some reformatting and adding some pictures, but for the most part it is up and running. Said goodbye to some of my old favorite pics to make room for new pics. I REALLY have a problem cutting down the number of pics b/c I just love them all so much. In the industry, it is recommended to only have small galleries with 10-15 pics each, but well I just can't do it :) I figure if there are too many and you get tired of looking, just stop, but if you want more there are plenty to see. I personally find when I visit other photographers websites I often end up wanting to see more in tiny galleries, but then sometimes I find people that have about 100 pictures all in one gallery and I get bored. So, I ended up with about 30 per gallery, so middle of the road I would say. Anyways, let me know if you like the new format or as always I am open for suggestions of ways to improve the site.


  1. I like the website. The only suggestion I would have is to slow down the time to look at each picture. The picture shuffle happens too fast and I can't get a good look at each picture.

  2. Thanks for your comment Graves Family. I slowed down the galleries, so hopefully that makes it easier for you. There is a glitch when the gallery is loading the first few pics flash by really fast until it loads, then it slows down to normal. Very annoying but I can't fix it :)It does loop back around so hopefully you can catch any you missed the first time. I appreciate you taking the time to check it out for me!
