Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The last newborn of 2009...

It has been a crazy year of babies for me, so photographing my last one is bitter sweet. I have been so lucky to welcome so many new families into my life, but I feel sad knowing this is the last one for the year. I am sure 2010 will bring many more, including my own, so I try not to be too sad :) I met 2 week old baby "R" on Sunday and her 18 month old big sister. "R" did not sleep a wink during our session but didn't cry hardly at all either, so overall a very good newborn session. She has these adorably chunky cheeks and an amazing head of hair. Big sister is such a cutey pie too with some big old brown eyes and chubby little cheeks too. She loves her new baby sis and loved giving her kisses. So, here are two adorable little girls...

See what I mean about these cheeks and her hair :)

Love this little smile looking down at baby sister...

Oh how I love a teeny tiny little hand...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!! Baby R and big sister are my cousins' kids!! Since we live in NC, I haven't been able to meet Baby R. What gorgeous photos! Thank you for giving me a precious look at these sweet girls. We love them! :)
    Jamie, Greg and Baby Abby
