Sunday, November 22, 2009

OMG, could she be any cuter??

I got to meet up with the oh so amazingly cute "R" on Friday. This was her 3 month session and man has she changed a lot in 3 months. Don't get me wrong, she was adorable as a newborn, but 3 months of life has blossomed her into a little cherub. She is all squishy and cute and full of funny faces. I told her Mom that she will be my muse for the next year, I could just look at her all day :) I am soooo super excited she is in my premium grow with me plan, so I get to see that adorable face every 3 months for the next year. That is by far my favorite package because I really get to watch these babies grow. I get to see all the fun stuff, smiling, rolling over, crawling, walking, all the wonderful things a first year brings. So, here she is in all her chubby cuteness...

Her very adorable Thanksgiving outfit...

Sweet little smile...

Could you just pinch these cheeks or what??

You won't be hearing from me again for a little over a week, so everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for all of my amazing clients and blog readers too near and far :) I have had visitors from as far away as India, the UK, Australia, and Indonesia. The internet is an amazing thing! Thank you clients for allowing me into your lives. I really believe getting to be the one to capture your memories is very serious business and feel so fortunate each and every session I do. You all are what inspire me and your beautiful families bring me so much joy along with watching my own cute kids grow year after year. I am thankful for so many things, but you all allow me to live a dream and that is very humbling. So, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart :)

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