Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"M" is almost 1!

I got to meet up with almost one year old "M" on Sunday. We met at a park down in Spring Hill. The park is special because Mom and Dad did their engagment pictures there, we did their maternity pictures there, and now "M"s one year pics. I am a sucker for sentimentality, so I love the storyline using the same park. I hadn't seen him since his newborn session, so it was really good to see how big he has gotten. Mom had some good ideas for this session and hooked me up with a cool old truck of her Dad's to use and also some hay bales (good thing b/c I could have never fit them in my car with the rest of my stuff). Mix that in with my trusty red wagon and my new red trike and we were set for some fun. "M" did great even if he wasn't all smiles. I am happy as long as we don't have tears! I love a serious face, so I was not upset a bit. So, here he is...

All little boys love sticks!

Handsome little man


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