Monday, May 2, 2011

W and R turn three months

I had the great pleasure to meet three month old identical twins this weekend. They were sooooo good for me and made things run smoothly. We decided to start with some "lifestyle" portraits, which I love and finished it up with some backdrop pics. They are such handsome little guys and Mom and Dad have being the parents of multiples down already. There are a lot of pictures to post, so I will get on with it!

How beautiful is this mama???

You know I am obsessed with baby feet, so 4 of them was heaven ;)

The whole sweet family

I love how they are arm wrestling, boys will be boys!

Little bear

Baby "R" fell asleep almost as soon as we set him on the couch, so funny

I love how he is touching Daddy's beard

Love the eye contact here

How sweet is that little smile and pokey little bottom lip???

There are a lot of sessions over on the facebook page I didn't blog, so don't forget to go check them out. "Like" me while you are there to stay up to date with everything going on. 20 comments will win this family a sweet little gift, so leave them some love!!!

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