Sunday, March 20, 2011

Awaiting the Arrival of Baby "S"

It has been over a year since I have seen this family and I was so happy to see them! Little "M" is two and all boy. I had such a fun time playing with him and watching all his boy antics. When photographing 2 year olds it is usually about tricking them into doing what you want because they usually are not willing to just do as you ask :) So, it is always fun just kind of letting them do their thing and waiting for the moment you can get what you need. Mom is 27 weeks along with baby number 2, another little boy, and is looking amazing as ever. I did get lots of shots of Mom by herself, but the interactions of this family were the shots that were really tugging at my heartstrings. I have been a bad blogger and haven't posted my last 3 or 4 sessions at least, so don't forget to go to my facebook page and see what you have been missing!

Just the right amount of wind blowing in her hair...

just plain love this one...

probably my favorite family shot EVER and that is saying a lot! It is perfection in my mind...I love how everyones arms are in just the right place making them so close

Just hilarious

Lovin it!

THIS is a photo shoot with a 2 year old boy :)

The new spot we tried out, beautiful!!!!

Looking and smiling at me, it can be done!

I just adore his sweet face in this one

Boy did I have to work a game of "I am going to get your chair" for this one ;)

A little Easter action

and this is what 2 year old boys do with Easter baskets :)

Thank you "M" family for an AMAZING session! I am having the hardest time narrowing down the gallery, always a great sign!

1 comment:

  1. As always, you do a amazing job of capturing our family! You have given me so many wonderful memories to look back on in the future :) You're the best!
