Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welcome to the world "R"

I was so excited to meet 6 day old "R" this morning for his newborn session. It has been about 6 months since I have had a newborn, so I was soooo ready to get my hands on him. He is a total chow hound and is keeping his mamma busy just keeping his belly full. He was totally awake when I got there and I worked HARD to get him to sleep. Turns out he is a total snuggle baby and only likes to sleep while someone holds him, can't say I blame him really. So, he gave me some sweet sleepy shots with his mamma and a brief time by himself but other than that he was awake! I am sure he slept well once I left :) He is a pretty chunky baby weighing almost 9 pounds at birth so he had some great chubby cheeks. He is the baby brother to one of my favorite kiddos "P" and I know she will teach him all her tricks! "R"s mamma likes to come see me every 3 months when they are babies, so you will be seeing a lot of this little guy, and "P" as well, throughout this next year. Slow season is officially over, so I will be back to blogging on a regular basis!! I have got three babies due in February, so it is going to be a crazy, fun busy month of new babies, ahhhhhh, perfection...

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