Sunday, June 20, 2010

The "D" family

I got the pleasure of working with the "D" family this evening. It was hot and the girls were tired, but we managed to get some great shots. Big sister "A" was totally working it for me. Little sister was a little tougher to crack, but in the end I won :) I love so many that I am having a rough time narrowing down my gallery. Lots of pretty and fun, silly ones so hard to choose favorites b/c they are great for different reasons. I will work it out though so the decisions aren't too hard for Mom and Dad :)

Mommy love...

Love her kind of sideways look, so sweet!

There is nothing I don't totally adore about this shot

This was going on behind my back and thank goodness Mom called me over to capture this. I TOTALLY adore her little hand on his face. Melt!

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