Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"M" is 1 year old

I met up with 1 year old "M" on Saturday. As I got home to check email my laptop told me it could not detect a hard drive and so the drama began. I am still in the process of getting this worked out which is why the sneak peek is so tardy, but such is life I guess. All my editing software is on that computer, so without it I am lost. Anywho, "M" was not really in the mood for pics but we managed to get some adorable ones despite this. I always say 12 month olds are the hardest age to shoot b/c I find they are not easily persuaded to change their mood. It really is a hit or miss with them and I have had to reschedule before b/c it was just so not happening. Thankfully "M" didn't make that happen and although she wasn't totally toothy for many shots, I still love what we got. Mom was a little stressed I think (as we all do when we feel our kids are't cooperating), but I think she will be pleased with what we got despite it seeming like she was cranky the whole time! She is the adorable yawning baby up at the top of the blog at her newborn session. This is the last session of her plan year, so always bitter sweet. Hopefully I will see her again when she has more lovely locks of that gorgeous red hair.

Mom says she is a Daddy's girl

She was playing peek a boo with me (or maybe it was Daddy behind me), so cute!

I don't know why I just love this one so much...

A little festive birthday action. I have been dying to use this new wrapping paper I got at Christmas time :)

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