Friday, October 9, 2009

2 Handsome Little Men...

I got to meet up with 6 month old "D" and his big bro yesterday morning. We had an awesome cloudy day, so the light was delicious. Big brother "G" is one of my favorite clients b/c well he rocks. This is my third time to work with him and he has yet to disappoint, not even for a second. He totally digs getting his picture taken and will do anything I ask, so I am pretty crazy about him. Plus he is sweet as sugar and a cutie pie to boot. Baby "D" is pretty darn cute too with his rolly polly self. He was in a bit of a serious mood but Mom managed to get a few giggles out of him. Two handsome little guys, amazing light, and the colors at the park, awesome! I am totally loving the fall greens, so soft and muted. I had a good morning to say the least, so here they are...
P.S. this is the location I decided to use for the Christmas minis October 24th, so the people on my schedule this is what you can expect. I have a few slots remaining and will only fill them for about another week, so contact me if you want in. If you go to the blog archive to the right under September, scroll down and you will find all the details.

Are they little heartbreakers or what??

Smiles for Mommy...

Can you see why I totally heart him?

1 comment:

  1. love the second shot - such a cute giggle! keep up the good work!!
