Sunday, July 12, 2009

Oh Baby- The Big Reveal

So, my faithful blog readers will remember a post awhile back titled "Oh Baby". It was a maternity session with a super sweet couple. Well today I finally got to meet the little guy in person. He had the coolest newborn hair I have had in awhile, abundant, dark and spikey. He was really good for the session today and gave me lots of sleepy shots which I love. I am exhausted from a long weekend, so I am only posting two now, but I will post a few more in a day or two. Enjoy the sneak peek. I warn you he is a cutie pie!!!!!

Look at this little heartbreaker giving me a little sleepy grin

Loving him in my new "drip", he looks so cozy.

Let Mom and Dad know what you think of their new addition and check back soon for some more sweet pics.

Here is an artsy one


  1. D is soooo adorable! We just want to eat him up! Looks like Molly will have a cute boyfriend to play with. LOL.
    -Kerri H.

  2. These are lovely! Where did you get the "drip"? It's too cool!!
