Monday, June 15, 2009

More workshop pics...

Okay, so I said I wasn't really into the whole urban thing so much, BUT now that I have gotten to play around with the images a little, I think I am changing my mind. I am having so much fun with these. I am trying some new editing techniques I learned and of course, it is always fun to work with new models and try some new stuff. So, I hope I have some people interested in doing some urban sessions sometime soon! I also wanted to give a shout to my fellow work shop peeps. Dejah Quinn from Oklahoma, Allyson Sanborn from Illinois, and Lisa Seidel an up and coming photographer out of Boston. These ladies are all majorly talented and I really enjoyed learning from them and sharing ideas about our businesses. Blah, blah, I know enough chit chat. Here are a few more from the workshop.

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