Hi all,
I have decided to officially close this blog. I have been VERY delinquent posting this last year or more (I see I had 4 posts in 2012!), so decided to just lay it to rest. It just takes a lot of time to write posts and format all the images to post, time I just don't have. With my busy shooting schedule, my house life, and tending to my three kiddos, the extra 30 minutes per post is just time I don't have. I do post all my sessions to facebook as well as news and such and I do have a news section on my website for those of you who don't facebook. Plus, my website galleries have a large sampling of my work and I am constantly adding new favorites. So, there are plenty of places to follow my work and see what is up. Feel free to browse back through the archives on this blog and hop on over to my website or facebook page for more images and information. I am launching a new website as I type this. I am really excited about it as it will be much more user friendly with tablet and mobile versions as well as the standard desktop version. I am also launching the official velvet studio website concurrently (my boudoir site), so this is big news. Thanks for visiting!!!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Sunday, September 2, 2012
The "B" family
I had the pleasure of meeting up with the "B" family again yesterday. I photographed these sweet boys last May and now they are 19 months old. So much growing! They are busy, busy, busy as toddlers are at this age and in typical boy fashion were drawn to the dirt. We had a nice overcast morning to play at the park for a bit. Their personalities are so different and I got my exercise chasing them around :) Enjoy all this cuteness!!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Holiday Boudoir Sessions are on the books
I am happy to be hosting our first annual holiday boudoir event. We had an amazing turn out at our Valentine's event (which we will also be hosting again in January), so decided that you ladies might like to spice up the holidays this year. I don't plan to make it holiday themed in the shooting so much (unless this is what you want) but will just do my normal, classic, tasteful portraits. I talk to a lot of ladies who are always saying, oh I am going to do that and then keep putting it off. They tell me they want to lose those last 10 pounds, etc. Just go ahead and do it! Lighting and posing are your friends and I WILL make you look good, so not to worry. Those last 10 pounds have a very sneaky way of never quite wanting to leave and before you know it years have gone by! I will emphasize the things you like and hide the things you don't.
This is something every woman, especially mamas, NEEDS to do for themselves. Yes, your man will get some benefit from it, but I can honestly say this is really for you and about you. It is all too easy once you get married and have kids to forget about the woman, I am very guilty of this myself, and to always put yourself last. Not wearing make up much, not fixing your hair, not dressing up, carrying around baby weight, always having some sort of fluid or food stuck on you somewhere, it all adds up to us feeling less than pretty sometimes. Of course you still are, but it gets a little lost in your day to day shuffle. So, to have a little time (kid free) to get pampered by my hair and make up artists and then have me create beautiful portraits that will be sure to take your breath away is an experience you will not soon forget. There have been lots of happy tears shed seeing the final product and lots of lost self confidence found and that is what this is about. I personally have one of my images on my nightstand and I look at it every morning as I am getting up to make lunches with no make up and jammies and think, yeah, I have still got it :) Okay, off my soap box now... I feel like the hair club for men guy "I am not just the president, I am also a client (is that how it goes??), ha! I have been on both sides of the camera for this, so know how it feels, and it does feel good, promise! Also, I know almost every lady is nervous and scared but I have yet to have one finish not smiling and feeling happy about how easy, fun, and relaxed the shoot was. Don't be afraid of me :)
These will occur in Mt. Juliet
November 17, 2012- start time will depend on how many ladies we have. You will be given an approximate shoot time but are welcome to come early and stay late. Bring a friend or two for encouragment and girl time. We get hair and make up done in a group setting but shoot privately in a seperate area, so no one is uncomfortable. We will have wine and snacks ;)
Hair stylist $25, Make up artist $25- They are AMAZING and I definitely recommend using them!!!!!
Package one: $150 gives you 30 minutes of shoot time and 7 proofs to choose from, 5 images on a CD and one 8x10- 2 outfit changes
Package two: $200 gives you 30 minutes of shoot time and 12 proofs to choose from, 10 images on a CD and one 8x10- three outfit changes
Discounted additional prints and digital files will be available as well as a little proof book for an additional fee
Please visit the velvet studio by Leila Hunt Photography's facebook page and go to the photos section to scroll through the albums to see what we do. I don't have an official website up for my boudoir branch yet, so am using the page to showcase my work. https://www.facebook.com/pages/the-velvet-studio-by-Leila-Hunt-Photography/211092018987053
I love this image so much because it is such a perfect example of my vision for these sessions. She is gorgeous and sexy but not overly so. Subtle. Nothing but a tasteful, timeless portrait that I know she truly treasures now and will forever.
I am happy to be hosting our first annual holiday boudoir event. We had an amazing turn out at our Valentine's event (which we will also be hosting again in January), so decided that you ladies might like to spice up the holidays this year. I don't plan to make it holiday themed in the shooting so much (unless this is what you want) but will just do my normal, classic, tasteful portraits. I talk to a lot of ladies who are always saying, oh I am going to do that and then keep putting it off. They tell me they want to lose those last 10 pounds, etc. Just go ahead and do it! Lighting and posing are your friends and I WILL make you look good, so not to worry. Those last 10 pounds have a very sneaky way of never quite wanting to leave and before you know it years have gone by! I will emphasize the things you like and hide the things you don't.
This is something every woman, especially mamas, NEEDS to do for themselves. Yes, your man will get some benefit from it, but I can honestly say this is really for you and about you. It is all too easy once you get married and have kids to forget about the woman, I am very guilty of this myself, and to always put yourself last. Not wearing make up much, not fixing your hair, not dressing up, carrying around baby weight, always having some sort of fluid or food stuck on you somewhere, it all adds up to us feeling less than pretty sometimes. Of course you still are, but it gets a little lost in your day to day shuffle. So, to have a little time (kid free) to get pampered by my hair and make up artists and then have me create beautiful portraits that will be sure to take your breath away is an experience you will not soon forget. There have been lots of happy tears shed seeing the final product and lots of lost self confidence found and that is what this is about. I personally have one of my images on my nightstand and I look at it every morning as I am getting up to make lunches with no make up and jammies and think, yeah, I have still got it :) Okay, off my soap box now... I feel like the hair club for men guy "I am not just the president, I am also a client (is that how it goes??), ha! I have been on both sides of the camera for this, so know how it feels, and it does feel good, promise! Also, I know almost every lady is nervous and scared but I have yet to have one finish not smiling and feeling happy about how easy, fun, and relaxed the shoot was. Don't be afraid of me :)
These will occur in Mt. Juliet
November 17, 2012- start time will depend on how many ladies we have. You will be given an approximate shoot time but are welcome to come early and stay late. Bring a friend or two for encouragment and girl time. We get hair and make up done in a group setting but shoot privately in a seperate area, so no one is uncomfortable. We will have wine and snacks ;)
Hair stylist $25, Make up artist $25- They are AMAZING and I definitely recommend using them!!!!!
Package one: $150 gives you 30 minutes of shoot time and 7 proofs to choose from, 5 images on a CD and one 8x10- 2 outfit changes
Package two: $200 gives you 30 minutes of shoot time and 12 proofs to choose from, 10 images on a CD and one 8x10- three outfit changes
Discounted additional prints and digital files will be available as well as a little proof book for an additional fee
Please visit the velvet studio by Leila Hunt Photography's facebook page and go to the photos section to scroll through the albums to see what we do. I don't have an official website up for my boudoir branch yet, so am using the page to showcase my work. https://www.facebook.com/pages/the-velvet-studio-by-Leila-Hunt-Photography/211092018987053
I love this image so much because it is such a perfect example of my vision for these sessions. She is gorgeous and sexy but not overly so. Subtle. Nothing but a tasteful, timeless portrait that I know she truly treasures now and will forever.
Holiday Card Mini Sessions are on the books!
Date: Sunday November 11, 2012 and Saturday November 17, time to be determined- will start after 2 PM though. The order in which you get on the list will be the order that you can select your time slot. Seven spots available each day, NOVEMBER 11 is already full. Please do not wait to contact me if you are thinking about it because the spots will fill. Email me at lhuntphotog@live.com or via my website
Where: An outdoor location in the Mount Juliet area to be determined
Who: Everyone welcome to participate whether you have kids or not, dogs most likely welcome too as I try to pick a dog friendly location :)
What: A 15-20 minute minute mini session that can be used to get portraits for your holiday cards or just to update portraits. Approximately 7-10 images presented to choose from. I am not a really "themey" kind of person so will have a few simple props available, but will mostly just be your family and nature. I will have regular props like chairs and such, just not a bunch of holiday themed gear. So, if you have something you would like to use please feel free to bring it!
The cards: Custom designed 2 sided 5x5 cards on watercolor paper. Envelopes included. Over 60 designs to choose from, contact me for the link. Fully customizable. They are gorgeous!!!! The beauty and quality can not even compare to your typical cards on photo paper from Walgreens, Snapfish, etc. Already had a family session recently? No problem... just let me know which pictures you want to use and I can design the cards for you. What if you are not my client? I can still design cards for you if you send me the digital images you would like to use. If you are using another photographer's images, I will need a print release.
Price: $75 includes session fee and one 8x10 (reg price $25) or one hi resolution digital file if you prefer printing your own cards. Minimum $75 print or digital file purchase required per session on top of the session fee. Pack of 25 cards $60, pack of 50 $100. Gift print packages will start at $100 and a la carte items will be discounted as well for mini session participants (including gallery wrap canvases, bevel mounts,etc.) Digital files will be available for purchase, CD of whole gallery $150. Contact me for more info on pricing.
Here are a couple of Holiday mini session veterans from last year. They have been the last 2 years and they are awesome to work with! I hope I get to see them again this year :) This is pretty typical of the kind of imagery you can expect. Beautiful and timeless.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Valentine's Boudoir Sessions are coming!!!!
THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL...IF YOU WANT TO GET ON THE LIST FOR THE NEXT ONE EMAIL ME AT LHuntphotog@live.com. I could do them again as soon as next month if there is enough interest!
This is something I have wanted to do for awhile. I tried last year but it didn't work out, so decided to try again this year. The response has been good enough to work out the details so they are as follows...
Date: January 22, 2012 (first time I have written 2012 :)
Time slots will be in 1.5 hour blocks (overlapping by 30 minutes) which will include hair, make up, and shoot time. I encourage you to come early and stay late to get some much needed girl time and allow extra time if needed to prepare. Start and stop time will depend on the number of participants and will be determined later. First come first serve to fill the time slots.
Where: My home studio in Mount Juliet. I will have several set ups available as well props to pose with (i.e. chairs, rugs, pillows, etc). The look and feel I am going for is simple, clean and classic. I will have a black backdrop that is timeless and sexy as well as a bed set with beautiful bedding.
What to wear: That is totally up to you! If you want lingerie, totally fine. If you want to wear jeans and a t-shirt, fine. Husbands work shirt, sports jersey, a nightgown, nothing, all fine. While I am calling this boudoir it by no means requires anything beyond your comfort zone! Now, I KNOW there are lots of Moms out there like me who are self conscious about your post baby bodies and I am here to tell you camera angles and posing are your best friends! I can make you look amazing no matter what. A strategically placed blanket or scarf to hide those stubborn areas (which for me would be that stretched out belly post 3 kids :)is a simple way to make it work while still being sexy. I had some done last year and wore capri jeans, a corset, and heels. I was not showing anything but a little cleavage but felt like a million bucks. It was awesome and so empowering to feel like a woman and not just a mom. I would definitely recommend some sexy heels though as that can make all the difference no matter what you are wearing! There will be time for 2 "outfits", so plan accordingly. I do have some pretty hair accessories, feather boas, hats, a feather fan, chinese umbrellas, and other goodies you can use as well.
Pampering: I will have ladies to do your hair and make up for you if you chose while you relax and enjoy a few drinks and snacks (spirited or not).
Price: Package one: $125- includes hair, make up, and 5 edited full resolution files on a CD with reprint rights and one 8x10 or smaller print
Package two: $150- includes hair, make up, and 10 edited full resolution files on a CD with reprint rights and one 8x10 or smaller print
Want more images to choose from?? Let me know and we can work it out!
Add on a mini brag book which is a 5x5 spiral bound album including all 5 or 10 of your pics for $20.00. Perfect way for hubby to keep all your pictures close in a nightstand or brief case ;)
I will offer a 50% discount off regular pricing for any additional products you wish to purchase.
Email me at lhuntphotog@live.com to get on the list! THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL
Here is a sample of an image I took last year. Simple and smokin hot without showing a thing!!!
This is something I have wanted to do for awhile. I tried last year but it didn't work out, so decided to try again this year. The response has been good enough to work out the details so they are as follows...
Date: January 22, 2012 (first time I have written 2012 :)
Time slots will be in 1.5 hour blocks (overlapping by 30 minutes) which will include hair, make up, and shoot time. I encourage you to come early and stay late to get some much needed girl time and allow extra time if needed to prepare. Start and stop time will depend on the number of participants and will be determined later. First come first serve to fill the time slots.
Where: My home studio in Mount Juliet. I will have several set ups available as well props to pose with (i.e. chairs, rugs, pillows, etc). The look and feel I am going for is simple, clean and classic. I will have a black backdrop that is timeless and sexy as well as a bed set with beautiful bedding.
What to wear: That is totally up to you! If you want lingerie, totally fine. If you want to wear jeans and a t-shirt, fine. Husbands work shirt, sports jersey, a nightgown, nothing, all fine. While I am calling this boudoir it by no means requires anything beyond your comfort zone! Now, I KNOW there are lots of Moms out there like me who are self conscious about your post baby bodies and I am here to tell you camera angles and posing are your best friends! I can make you look amazing no matter what. A strategically placed blanket or scarf to hide those stubborn areas (which for me would be that stretched out belly post 3 kids :)is a simple way to make it work while still being sexy. I had some done last year and wore capri jeans, a corset, and heels. I was not showing anything but a little cleavage but felt like a million bucks. It was awesome and so empowering to feel like a woman and not just a mom. I would definitely recommend some sexy heels though as that can make all the difference no matter what you are wearing! There will be time for 2 "outfits", so plan accordingly. I do have some pretty hair accessories, feather boas, hats, a feather fan, chinese umbrellas, and other goodies you can use as well.
Pampering: I will have ladies to do your hair and make up for you if you chose while you relax and enjoy a few drinks and snacks (spirited or not).
Price: Package one: $125- includes hair, make up, and 5 edited full resolution files on a CD with reprint rights and one 8x10 or smaller print
Package two: $150- includes hair, make up, and 10 edited full resolution files on a CD with reprint rights and one 8x10 or smaller print
Want more images to choose from?? Let me know and we can work it out!
Add on a mini brag book which is a 5x5 spiral bound album including all 5 or 10 of your pics for $20.00. Perfect way for hubby to keep all your pictures close in a nightstand or brief case ;)
I will offer a 50% discount off regular pricing for any additional products you wish to purchase.
Email me at lhuntphotog@live.com to get on the list! THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL
Here is a sample of an image I took last year. Simple and smokin hot without showing a thing!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011
Worst blogger ever!
Yes, I know my last post was months ago but I have a good excuse, really I do. I am just finishing up with my busiest fall ever and I barely had time to keep up. Okay, honestly I wasn't keeping up, but finally managed to get it all done. Blogging takes extra time and I just didn't have it. Between the house, my three kids, and the business I was living on about 5 hours a sleep a night, and I am tired. You can check out my facebook page to see sneak peeks of every session I did, as they are allllll there. All 30 of them. I normally only take one session a week, so that was what normally would be 7.5 months of sessions crammed into 3 months. Really 2 months as I didn't do a whole lot during December. I adopted the mantra "just keep swimming" to keep me going. I feel so blessed and excited though that I got to capture images of so many amazing families. I got to spend time with bellies, welcome new babies, celebrate lots of birthdays, and meet lots of new people. I really love my job and always feel so honored people choose me to capture their memories. Making it a fun experience that produces beautiful imagery is always my goal, and based on all the pretty smiles, I think I did a good job ;) Anyways, now that life has calmed down, I am going to get back to blogging. I think most people are on facebook, and if you aren't a "liker" of my page, follow the link on the right and join me! I am going to attach just one image since a post isn't complete without a picture. Think I will close my eyes and pick since there are just too many cute ones to have a favorite! Okay, well that wasn't so hard. An image I loved so much it became a new image on my splash page (the first page you see on my website). It won't be too crazy around here since the winter is definitely the slow season. A few bellies and a few new babies to keep me entertained through the cold winter months. I think it is kind of a cycle of life thing to allow the photographer to rejuvenate after the fall season of photography. A few slow months lets me catch up on my own family photos, catch up on updating the website, paperwork, and let's not forget about taxes :) Soon enough it will be Spring and it will be time to get back outdoors!

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Eeeek, how has it been almost a month...
After every session I do I post a sneak peek to facebook and then always intend to blog it. However, I always seem to get busy working on the sessions and it just doesn't get done. I think most people follow me on facebook so I don't stress much but for those of you that don't, I apologize :) I think there are 3 or 4 sessions over there now I have missed. I will post a few from this mornings session here as I have three sessions waiting to be edited, so sadly don't have time at the moment to blog them all. I wish the pictures were uploaded the proper size b/c all the resizing is what really takes so long. The only big news for now is Christmas Minis are coming up. I am about to pick a date but it seems this season is proving to be really busy already and my weekends are filling quickly. It is looking like the end of October most likely though. I am going to have a booth at the MJCA Extravaganza this year, so I am looking forward to that. I will also be at Halloween In The Park, so 2 great opportunities to showcase my work. So, here are a few of my faves from today with a sweet little 6 month old.

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